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Book Binding Techniques Discussed

Binding your documents, project reports, loose papers, etc., properly comes with many benefits. Besides keeping them intact and increasing their longevity, proper binding makes your documents more presentable and easier to handle. However, several binding techniques exist, each with its own pros and cons, depending on the print product you intend to bind. Therefore, acquainting yourself with standard bookbinding techniques can go a long way in helping you determine the perfect style for your needs. Here is an in-depth look into some of these techniques.

Saddle Stitch Binding

Saddle stitch binding, also known as stapled binding or saddle stitching, is one of the most popular binding methods. It entails folding and creasing pages of your document before stapling them together. One of the top benefits of this type of binding is that it's quick and highly economical. What's more, it opens flat. Therefore, you don't have to worry about losing the printed content in the gutter, which is the printed product's centre when you open the document. Saddle stitch binding also allows binding of a wide range of paper formats, sizes, and variations.

The downside, however, is that the number of pages you can bind together is usually limited to the staple's capability. For this reason, this type of binding often limits the number of pages you can properly bind. And if you bind together too many pages, you are likely to end up with creeping as the pages start nesting. In addition, they tend to be less durable, with the cover and pages being more prone to damages.

Ideally, saddle stitching is an excellent choice for documents like catalogues, magazines, advertising materials, brochures, etc.

Case Binding

Also known as hardcover binding, it is one of the most sought-after binding techniques. That's because it offers top-notch quality, enhances your documents' longevity, and produces professional-looking documents, among many other benefits. First, the technique involves stitching individual pages together. The sewn sections are then glued to the end of the papers before being glued to the spine of the cover. Like saddle stitching, you also don't have to worry about lost content in the gutter. Unfortunately, case binding tends to be expensive and more time-consuming.

Perfect Binding

This is another binding technique worth considering. It involves using adhesives to hold the individual pages of your document together. The adhesive is typically in the form of thermal glue applied along the cover's spine before attaching your pages. It's ideal for softcover documents and is sometimes known as softcover binding. Perfect binding is a more cost-effective alternative to case binding.

Nonetheless, it offers a superior appearance when compared to options like saddle stitching. What's more, it supports many formats and variations and is easy to stack. However, it doesn't usually lay flat when opened, so there's a tendency for printed content to be partially lost in the gutter. In addition, drying time is needed for the adhesives, so it's not as fast as other options like saddle stitch binding.

For more bookbinding information, reach out to a local service.
